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This is a Unity3d Chinese Chess VR Game.Based on PUN(Chat and Voice enabled).
0x00 Developers 开发者们
We're League of HTC Vive Developers,our QQ Group number is:566189328
开发团队是HTC Vive开发者联盟 QQ群:566189328
为了方便大家下载,这里特别提供百度云盘地址:链接: 密码:ujt3
0x01 Open Source 协同开发
We use Tower to cooperate,if you're interested welcome to join(Fork、Star or just Watch ^_^ Whatever)
我们将使用Tower来协作, 有兴趣的朋友,欢迎加入进来!
0x02 MO&VR 多人在线VR
We use PUNVoice and Pun for MO&VR,detailed documents is inside Tower.You also can check it on Gad.
我们使用PUN和Photon云来做一个多人在线的VR游戏,详细的策划文案已经发布在Tower文档中。 你也可以在Gad上查看!
0x03 Development Environment and Version 开发环境和版本
HTC Vive + Windows7、10 + Unity5.5.0f3/Unity5.5.2f1 + VS2015/Mono/(Whatever your code editor is fine!) (^__^)
0x04 GetStarted 入门
1.如果项目里面没有以下插件,请按顺序导入(If you don't have these plugins in your project,please import them in specified Order)SteamVR+VRTK+PUNVoice+Photon Unity Networking;
2.你需要一套HTC Vive设备来开发或测试(It's obvious that you need Htc vive to develope or test);
3.因为是MO,你需要联网(You also need network to enable a MO);
0x05 Donate 捐款
你的捐款将用于维持中国象棋VR的开发,如果有足够的资金,我们可以租用游戏服务器,谢谢!Your donation will be used to keep developing ChineseChessVR,if we have enough money we can rent GameServer,thanks!
To be Continued……