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Also use environment variables to configure UAA

Open viovanov opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

Since we're trying to run UAA in containers, we should also make it configurable using environment variables.

Some reasons why:

  • That's what 12 factor apps should do
  • Cloud Foundry does it
  • Users no longer need to understand UAA's config file or use workarounds #904
  • Easier to run UAA as a Cloud Foundry app

viovanov avatar May 01 '20 12:05 viovanov

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

cf-gitbot avatar May 01 '20 12:05 cf-gitbot

@viovanov issue is valid, would you propose a PR for it ? e.g. StringSubstitutor could be used

strehle avatar Jul 08 '21 06:07 strehle

@strehle unfortunately I can't find the time to help, sorry - I'm not working with UAA currently

viovanov avatar Aug 03 '21 01:08 viovanov