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bbl v9.0.0 fails in combination with the network-lb-gcp plan patch
We use bbl both directly and via cf-deployment-concourse-tasks, and we're seeing the following failure when running bbl plan
$ bbl plan --debug --lb-type=cf --lb-cert=certs/load-balancer/server.crt --lb-key=certs/load-balancer/server.key --lb-domain=<our domain>
There are some problems with the configuration, described below.
The Terraform configuration must be valid before initialization so that
Terraform can determine which modules and providers need to be installed.
│ Error: Missing resource to override
│ on line 5:
│ 5: resource "google_compute_address" "cf-address" {
│ There is no google_compute_address resource named "cf-address". An override
│ file can only override a resource block defined in a primary configuration
│ file.
│ Error: Missing resource to override
│ on line 13:
│ 13: resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "cf-http-forwarding-rule" {
│ There is no google_compute_forwarding_rule resource named
│ "cf-http-forwarding-rule". An override file can only override a resource
│ block defined in a primary configuration file.
│ Error: Missing resource to override
│ on line 25:
│ 25: resource "google_compute_forwarding_rule" "cf-https-forwarding-rule" {
│ There is no google_compute_forwarding_rule resource named
│ "cf-https-forwarding-rule". An override file can only override a resource
│ block defined in a primary configuration file.
│ Error: Missing resource to override
│ on line 57:
│ 57: resource "google_compute_target_pool" "router-lb-target-pool" {
│ There is no google_compute_target_pool resource named
│ "router-lb-target-pool". An override file can only override a resource
│ block defined in a primary configuration file.
│ Error: Unsupported override
│ on line 67, in resource "google_compute_firewall" "cf-health-check":
│ 67: depends_on = ["google_compute_network.bbl-network"]
│ The depends_on argument may not be overridden.
│ Error: Unsupported override
│ on line 81, in resource "google_compute_firewall" "firewall-cf":
│ 81: depends_on = ["google_compute_network.bbl-network"]
│ The depends_on argument may not be overridden.
│ Error: Unsupported override
│ on line 96, in resource "google_dns_record_set" "wildcard-dns":
│ 96: depends_on = [""]
│ The depends_on argument may not be overridden.
│ Error: Missing base output definition to override
│ on line 110:
│ 110: output "router_target_pool" {
│ There is no output named "router_target_pool". An override file can only
│ override an output that was already defined in a primary configuration
│ file.
This seems to be caused by the terraform upgrade, and may be similar to