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Cloud Foundry .NET SDK

#Cloud Foundry .NET SDK The CloudFoundry .NET SDK allows you to easily access the the CloudController API from within your .NET Application

The full CF API Documentation is available at

Getting Started

Target Frameworks

  • .NET Framework 4.5 Portable Class Library


  • Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 or newer
  • Git client


Build it locally

  • Clone the repo git clone
  • Build the cf-dotnet-sdk.sln in Visual Studio 2013

Test your build

Unit tests

Run all tests inside the CloudFoundry.CloudController.V2.Client.Test project

Integration tests

If you have a working CloundFoundry environment you can run the integration tests within the CloudFoundry.CloudController.Test.Integration project.

Before running the integration tests, make sure you set you connection info in the app.config

How to contribute

We are looking forward to contributions from the community.

Feel free to open an pull request or create an issue.

Use the nuget package

  • Add nuget repo to the package sources
  • Add package to your project Install-Package CloudFoundry.CloudController.V2.Client

Code Samples


// use this only if your api is using an unsigned certificate
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = ((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true);

CloudFoundryClient client = new CloudFoundryClient(new Uri("https://api.domain"), new System.Threading.CancellationToken());
AuthenticationContext refreshToken = null;
CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials();
credentials.User = "user";
credentials.Password = "password";
    refreshToken = client.Login(credentials).Result;
catch (Exception ex)

List Apps

PagedResponseCollection<ListAllAppsResponse> apps = client.Apps.ListAllApps().Result;
while (apps != null && apps.Properties.TotalResults != 0)
    foreach (var app in apps)
        Console.WriteLine("Application {0}, guid {1}, state {2}", app.Name, app.EntityMetadata.Guid, app.State);
    apps = apps.GetNextPage().Result;

Stop an App

Guid appGuid = new Guid("52b6b758-848b-4b8d-b3f2-83736b5fae68");            
UpdateAppRequest updateApp = new UpdateAppRequest();
updateApp.State = "STOPPED";
UpdateAppResponse response = client.Apps.UpdateApp(appGuid, updateApp).Result;
Console.WriteLine("App {0} state is {1}", response.Name, response.State);

Use the V3 client

using CloudFoundry.CloudController.V2;

Uri target = new Uri("https://api.domain");
Uri httpProxy = null;
Uri authEndpoint = new Uri("https://uaa.domain");
bool skipSsl = true;

CloudFoundryClient v3client = new CloudFoundryClient(target, new System.Threading.CancellationToken(), httpProxy, skipSsl, authEndpoint);
AuthenticationContext refreshToken = null;
CloudCredentials credentials = new CloudCredentials();
credentials.User = "user";
credentials.Password = "password";
    refreshToken = v3client.Login(credentials).Result;
catch (Exception ex)

PagedResponseCollection<ListAllAppsResponse> apps = v3client.Apps.ListAllApps().Result;
foreach (ListAllAppsResponse app in apps)

Load a cf manifest

using CloudFoundry.Manifests;

Manifest manifest = ManifestDiskRepository.ReadManifest(@"path\to\manifest");
var apps = manifest.Applications();
foreach(var app in apps)
    Console.WriteLine("Application {0}, Memory {1}, Instances {2}", app.Name, app.Memory, app.InstanceCount);