ansible-prometheus icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ansible-prometheus copied to clipboard

prometheus_config_dir/consoles and prometheus_config_dir/console_libraries are inaccessible

Open mihaitodor opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

This is a follow-up to #168.

I deployed this role on a RHEL8 box and it looks like UI is unable to display files from the prometheus_config_dir/consoles folder because it's owned by root:root with permissions 0644 (see here). Once I changed the group to prometheus, http://<hostname>:9090/consoles/node-disk.html and others started working.

Could you please let me know why it was decided that the group should remain set to root as stated by @paulfantom here?

mihaitodor avatar May 24 '21 19:05 mihaitodor