they all play the audio and you won't hear differences.
the ffplay line works forme; can't figure out how to record though. this doesn't work (in sndcpy script) ffmpeg -y -probesize 32 -f s16le -ar 48k -ac 2 -i tcp://localhost:28200...
Sitting on the sidelines for many years now, wishing the developers all the best.
No high pitch sounds here: Version: 2.0.22+dfsg-4. Git master (2022-07-09). OS Devuan Ceres (linux) Arch AARCH64 Great to see some work on falltergeist this year :)
I'm building current ppsspp on droid4 and there's a lot of breakage. Was just curious about your changes for OpenPandora. Cheers!
- device is motorola xt894, omap4, OS is maemo-leste - gl4es says it's being initialized, have set envvar to gles1. - i havent build gl4es with debug info According to...
I will investigate, as this _should_ work and as you say may be an issue with our gl4es, or even our pvr drivers.
I have a jetson nano and pixel-c here which both can run nvidia's vulkan drivers. The nano comes with Ubuntu but can be transformed to devuan ceres without too much...
Websearch finds some existing icons people made. [TheDoctor45]( [Tarvanis]( Just 'G' or maybe 'OG'?
after successfully building for arm / aarch64, devuan, gcc 10.2.1, qt 5.15.2 Same apparent issue loading any .nif (from morrowind and mods), I can click on the buttons, I can...