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Unable to resolve symbol: unwrap
(ns tupelo-bug.core (:use [tupelo.core]))
(defn the-bug [] (glue ['abc 'def] [4] [3 4]) ; works - so symbols from tupelo.core are available (->vector 1 (unwrap [2 3 4 5 6 7 8]) 9)) ; does not work: I searched for unwrap in source. Not found. Bug?
;; while loading the code: Exception ;; => ;; Loading src/tupelo_bug/core.clj... ;; Syntax error compiling at (src/tupelo_bug/core.clj:6:15). ;; Unable to resolve symbol: unwrap in this context
;; IT WORKS IN OLDER VERSIONS, e.g.: [tupelo "20.07.14"] ;; But does not work in [tupelo "24.06.21"]