voxglitch copied to clipboard
Groovebox Initialization
Context menu should clear pattern memory and sample data.
OK, I'll get this done for you! Just FYI, I'm also working on an expansion module that you can see here that will provide mutes, solos, and at least a gate output: https://community.vcvrack.com/t/voxglitch-community-feedback/14290/458?u=clone45
Thanks for the feedback, and please keep the ideas coming!
Rt-click > Initialize should restore sensible defaults of all properties. For example, all Volume controls are being set to 0 instead of the sensible default (0.5) in a new instance of the module.
Ok, I'll get that fixed! (I'm terrible about implementing the Initialize feature.)
I also just found out that right-click initialize or Ctrl + I set the wrong values.
You can either fix this by double-clicking on the knob.
The manual also states this wrong:
- Attach a clock to the CLK input. The clock needs to be fast -- x32 times.
- Connect the mix outputs to your audio output
- Load samples into tracks by double-clicking on a track box (on the LCD screen)
- Click on the step buttons to set trigger points
- Attach a clock to the CLK input. The clock needs to be fast -- x32 times. <--- Recommended, not needed. Only for the ratchet feature.
- Connect the mix outputs to your audio output
- Load samples into tracks by double-clicking on a track box (on the LCD screen)
- Click on the step buttons to set trigger points
- Double click on VOLUME, PAN, PITCH, PROB %, RELEASE, END & FLTR CUT = sound.
- RATCHET, DLY MIX, DLY LEN, DLY FBK, ATTACK, LOOP, REVERSE, START, and FLTR RES are not affected by this in a negative way.
Thanksl @Leterel I'll try to get these fixed along with the manual updates over the 4th of July weekend. Concerning the clock. I may be mistaken, but I believe that you need to clock the module 32 times before it steps the sequencer forward. You're correct about ratcheting being involved in that decision. However, I'll test just to be sure.