Chris Lockfort
Chris Lockfort
Is it already fixed in NH4?
Similarly, when blind, you're not supposed to be able to know what spellbooks and scroll are, because you can't read the covers; however, the weight patch makes it so you...
Tagging this old feature request of mine to worr, as he apparently wishes to make some verrrrry save-incompatible changes. :-)
It does have quite a few unique effects related to LOTR lore. Check out #8 for some of them. (Spawns on hobbits, turns you invisible, whispers to you occasionally, it...
Explore mode should probably turn off the ability to get achievements from that point on.
I've somehow known weight information for gray stones in boxes, also. Also, I recently played a game where things I /wanted/ weight information for (statues on my current square beneath...
The notes that they play currently aren't pushed over the network, so this bug is dependant on us rewriting the "send someone's current status over multicast" stuff.
I added mail a super-long time ago, but not for items. Mailing items requires a lot of the same voodoo as auction-house stuffs, so these will probably get implemented at...
Oh yeaaaaaaaaah. Meant to put that in like a year ago. Thanks for the reminder.