Sean Collins

Results 37 issues of Sean Collins

Addresses most of #44. Fixing `warning: URI.escape is obsolete` and `warning: URI.unescape is obsolete` required adding a dependency, on [`Addressable`]( I hope that's OK! All the tests pass (except for...

When I run `bundle exec rake test`, I get the following error: ``` running example ./examples/static/ aborted! undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass /Users/sean/dev/http_router/Rakefile:99:in `block (4 levels) in ' (See full...

I have my `User` class in a namespaced Engine called `Accounts`, so I need to override the belongs_to association as `class_name: "Accounts::User"` in a `redactor.rb` file. The current configuration allows...

1) Fix a typo 2) Fix name on Rubygems 3) Add `require` 🌐

We already have a mini-guide for deploying to Heroku on the homepage, in a tab, but we should put this same information (with more explanation) into a Guide. Perhaps we...

Right now we use `dotenv` in `development` and `test` environments, but not production. This issue has effected [several]( people in the chat. We should consider adding a guide for Environment...


It's hard to condense the distinction down to just a handful of words, so feel free to tweak. I also wonder if we should combine the commands somehow, since the...

We only allow `hanami new` outside of existing Hanami projects, and only allow almost all the other commands inside a Hanami 2 project (`version` is rightfully allowed in both). For...

Still a work in progress. I used to base this work off, so there are extra things in this repo from that. This PR currently uses some GitHub sources...