gohugo-asciinema copied to clipboard
git submodule add
Should not it be rather this way?
git submodule add https://github.com/cljoly/gohugo-asciinema.git themes/gohugo-asciinema
Thanks for opening this issue. Are you suggesting to add this to the README, as an alternative installation option?
I suppose that this could be done. I tried this and is working properly. The only one thing is also worth to buy mention that sometimes the theme like zzo theme dominates over the asciinema player css stylesheet. I observed this and had to enable custom.css on zzo theme to change some elements by using ! important to not override styles from asciinema. Dirty workaround, but it is working. Hard to explain, because I should present it on the screen. What is interesting, is the fact that when I am using a generated script exactly for my videos it loads css from asciinema server. So will have to find out how to to tell the theme to ignore zzo css stylesheet in the part of the website where the asciinema shortcode is located. I have no idea is it possible, but I will figure it out. The behavior is that currently the zzo theme loads different background color in the asciinema video, so background: none ! important; in custom.css solves the problem.
Hum, ok, I think I see.
I have no idea is it possible, but I will figure it out
Please feel free to further comment on this issue (you can attach screenshots if you want) and we will see if there is something we can document in this plugin to make it easier to use in the case you describe. How does that sound to you @sysadmin-info ?
I was a webmaster for many years, so I am able to solve it for good. But I need a time to sit down and perform an analysis to find out is it possible to do anything on asciinema side to behave the way that css will be treated properly by each theme. Developer tools and time are needed - that I currently do not have. Probably after May 3rd I will be able to do that and write a tutorial what to do and provide a permanent solution.
Great, thank you!