secretary copied to clipboard
Question: clicking on links does not trigger dispatch?
This is probably PEBCAK.
I have the following tiny application using secretary and reagent. Calls to secretary/dispatch!
like the one at the bottom of the file update the application as expected. Clicking on the links, however, does not result in a call to dispatch.
Any pointers you can provide will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
(ns askit-client.main
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
[secretary.core :as secretary :refer-macros [defroute]]))
;; Define reagent components
(defn home []
[:div [:h1 "Welcome, friend!"]
[:div [:a {:href "#/about"} "about us"]]])
(defn about []
[:div "Now you know all about us!"
[:div [:a {:href "#/"} "go home"]]])
(defn current-page [] [(@app-state :current-page)])
;; Set up application state
(def app-state (reagent/atom {}))
(defn put! [k v] (swap! app-state assoc k v))
(put! :current-page home)
;; Define secretary routes
(secretary/set-config! :prefix "#")
(defroute "/" []
(println "time to go home")
(put! :current-page home))
(defroute "/about" []
(println "time to go about")
(put! :current-page about))
(println "Let's mount this thing and go home!")
(reagent/render-component [current-page] (.getElementById js/document "app"))
(secretary/dispatch! "/about")
currently secretary doesn't add any click handlers to the page, but you can do something along the lines of:
(events/listen js/document "click"
(fn [e]
(let [path (.getPath (.parse Uri (.-href (.-target e))))
title (.-title (.-target e))]
(when (secretary/locate-route path)
(. e preventDefault)
(. history (setToken path title))))))