@Sina-KH I had the same problem on M1 Max and solved it by `brew install ffmpeg` which installed v6 and then used: `ffmpeg: process.env.FFMPEG_PATH || '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ffmpeg/6.0/bin/ffmpeg'` as the path. Now...
@Sina-KH, yes but maybe I'm missing something. My solution was to create a custom master.m3u8 and link the streams through it: ``` #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1500000,RESOLUTION=1280x720 stream_720/index.m3u8 #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=3500000,RESOLUTION=1920x1080 stream/index.m3u8 ``` Did...
my solution was to use electron-rebuild directly: `"postinstall": "bun x electron-rebuild @serialport/bindings-cpp robotjs usb-detection"`
Thrown here while looking for an answer to this simple question and It is so sad that [127]( got closed like that. In the same way, we should remove *...
Still, Favicon, when using Cloudflare_pages, works, but it doesn't work under Cloudflare workers. It looks like the filename is converted when uploaded to the workers' KV to something like `favicon.e98315d4e5.ico`....
It seems that when cloudflare is selected as the provider the link is: `/cdn-cgi/image/f=webp/"` while it should be: ``
This has been fixed on the latest update of `@nuxt/image-edge`. You simply need to enable image optimisation in Cloudflare. `Your domain -> Speed -> Optimization -> Image Resizing`
I have the same problem with iOS when using Bun to create a project while Android and Desktop work perfectly well. With npm iOS compiles successfully so it is a...
It seems this is responsible for `navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia` not working too. We are stuck on porting to tauri because of this...
@FabianLars Indeed it is not :/ and unfortunately, this has stopped us from porting our application to tauri for the time being. The alternative at the moment, like building webrtc...