
Results 28 comments of Protogon

No, the same happens to any $ variables inside a parenthesis in stylus/webstorm. Anyway, as long as it works with `column(1/4,0,4,1)` and compiler is happy, not a real problem :)

@reflexator thank you for this; it actually works using refs but it doesn't in my example. I am trying to use typed as **iView's -> Select -> :placeholder** without luck....

Settings -> Role -> Custom Permissions -> Rule -> $CURRENT_USER doesn't work, and an empty array is returned. If replaced with a real user.ID works. ![image](

Just a heads up because it only doesn't work with this PR (websockets). Amazing job btw I believe this is responsible to access $CURRENT_USER, and I couldn't find any references from within the websockets. Variables seem to be working on rest but not websocket rest.

@stolinski, this has been fixed in [Webkit v16.1]( on Ventura. This means that getDisplayMedia only works if your Tauri app runs on Ventura with the latest Safari.

@stolinski try the following if you haven't. Hope it helps: ``` // src-tauri/info.plist NSCameraUsageDescription Request camera access for WebRTC NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Request microphone access for WebRTC ``` ``` //src-tauri/Release.entitlements

@stolinski it works for me and dialogue is being displayed in the latest Tauri v1 and Ventura 13.5.1 (22G90): I am requesting it simply like this: ```js return await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({...

Upgraded to Sonoma v14 and previous implementation doesn't work anymore. I assume this has to do with [Safari 17 changes in WebRTC](

> @cliqer Were you able to get this to work in MacOS? @tarushnagpal Unfortunately no