Michael Park
Michael Park
How about `select count(*) from agg_samp`?
When are you replacing it?
Interesting. So what if you re-run the GP tool now?
Well, that is how it's supposed to look so you're at least getting the right results. Actually, I think I might know why the copy from HDFS too is not...
Can you post the traceback for the error this time?
It still looks like you don't have a `/` at the beginning of your path
That's what I'm looking for. This is _slightly_ different in that now you're getting an error during redirection to a datanode. Try this in the browser and see what you...
Now we're getting somewhere. @GISDev01 has the solution. @smambrose can we put this in the tutorials?
This error is happening during the redirect from the _namenode_ to the _datanode_ that is actually storing the data. You can tell because it has `redirect_path` in the stack trace....
I see in the JSON for the failed record that you have a geometry with curves. Unfortunately, the Java geometry library only supports simple feature types and not curves. ```...