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Expo starter project using Clerk for authentication

Results 9 clerk-expo-starter issues
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After starting the OAuth flow and not receiving a sessionId back, what should be the next steps for signing up with OAuth in an Expo React Native application? The docs...

This PR updates the starter to use [Expo SDK 50](

Using the Clerk provider provided via the clerk-expo export; `import { ClerkProvider } from '@clerk/clerk-expo';` , when running the same code as a web export, Chrome and Firefox (with no...

This PR updates the starter to use [Expo 50]( and [Expo router v3](

The name should be useWarmUpBrowser and not useWamUpBrowser. there is a r missing in Wam. Best Regards

This PR updates this starter to use the new [Expo Router v2](

I have clone repo and added my clerk key. npm install and then npm start. when i do login with google it stuck with message unmatched route and if i...

This is a pretty minor a11y bug, since this is demo code. But my old eyes always wish for samples that work with larger fonts :)

My iOS app is using google account for login and in this starter repo, I try to use pk_live_xxxxx key to let it happen. But the browser does not show...