Reversible-Data-Hiding-in-Encrypted-Image copied to clipboard
A simple Matlab implementation of the algorithm presented in the paper: "Reversible-data-hiding-in-Encrypted-image"
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image
A simple Matlab implementation of the algorithm presented in the paper: "Reversible-data-hiding-in-Encrypted-image" (Xinpeng Zhang)
[An in-depth description (in Italian) is present in the pdf included in the repository.]
In this implementation two Stream Ciphers were used: -Trivium -RC4
Implemented features:
- Image upload and grayscale conversion (two-dimensional image with 8-bit depth);
- Conversion of data to hide in bit string;
- Calculation of the possible lengths of the bit string to be inserted;
- Encryption (and decryption) of the image with RC4 stream cipher;
- Parallelization of streamciphers (RC4 and Trivium) [Requirements: 'parallel computing toolbox'];
- Encryption (and decryption) of the image with Trivium (not recommended);
- Parallelization of Trivium (not recommended);
- Entering data to hide: to. extraction of the block (i, j) of size s; b. flip of the block based on the bit to be inserted and based on the pseudo-random division defined by the stream cipher (RC4 or Trivium);
- Extraction of data and original image;
- Conversion of the string of bits inserted into character string.
Sender flow:
Receiver flow: