Clément Péron

Results 50 comments of Clément Péron

@seladb it seems that only reproductible crash are declared as failure. It is used in lot of open source project. ``` If CIFuzz doesn’t find a crash during the allotted...

@seladb fuzzing is already deployed in lot of OSS project and doesn't discourage people to contribute. The fuzzing is deterministic and predictable when a failure occured, the job try to...

@eteran @DinoStray @agentsofshield Can I have your review on the Cmake support PR ?

@lwfinger are you interested if I clean the driver ? run as network host + NET_ADMIN cap.

This is great! I have used it marking my endpoint with x-stream-upload and work like a charm, thanks :)

@guyharris what do you think about the new revision pushed ?

@guyharris coud you make another review on the new version? Thanks

@aloisklink I have push -f in my master branch so this automatically close this MR. You can add you're test to this new MR

Hi, You could create symlink in you /usr/local/bin folder ? or update the php script here :