php-mask icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
php-mask copied to clipboard

A PHP Library to make masks on string


PHP Mask is a PHP library to make masks for a string.
It is an adapation of ngx-mask by JsDaddy.


PHP-Mask is available on composer:

composer require clemdesign/php-mask


In your PHP application, use the static method apply of Mask:

$output = \Clemdesign\PhpMask\Mask::apply($inputValue, $maskExpression, $config);


  • $inputValue: string - The input value to apply mask.
  • $maskExpression: string - The mask expression for $output.
  • $config: array - The configuration for operation

$maskExpression: Patterns

The patterns are used to filter $inputValue:

code meaning
0 digits (like 0 to 9 numbers)
9 digits (like 0 to 9 numbers), but optional
A letters (uppercase or lowercase) and digits
S only letters (uppercase or lowercase)

$maskExpression: Special chars

Special chars are used in mask expressions to format output:


$maskExpression: Thousand separator

You can format a number in thousand separator and control precision.

The mask keys are:

  • separator: Input 1234.56 is ouputed as 1 234.56
  • dot_separator: Input 1234,56 is ouputed as 1.234,56
  • comma_separator: Input 1234.56 is ouputed as 1,234.56

To manage precision, keys shall be suffixed by .{Number}.


  • separator.1: Input 1234.56743 is ouputed as 1 234.5
  • dot_separator.4: Input 1234,56743 is ouputed as 1.234,5674
  • comma_separator.2: Input 1234.56743 is ouputed as 1,234.56

$maskExpression: Time validation

You can format a time according limit:

Mask meaning
H Input value shall be inside 0 and 2.
h Input value shall be inside 0 and 3.
m Input value shall be inside 0 and 5.
s Input value shall be inside 0 and 5.

$maskExpression: Percent validation

You can format a value from $inputValue as a percent and manage the precision.

Use the key percent to have a extract value from $inputValue within 0 to 100.

Suffix the key with .{Number} to manage precision (percent.2).


$output = \Clemdesign\PhpMask\Mask::apply("99.4125", "percent.2");

// $output contains: 99.41

$config: Prefix and suffix

You have possibility to set suffix and prefix in output:

$output = \Clemdesign\PhpMask\Mask::apply("0102030405", "00 00 00 00 00", array(
  "prefix" => "My phone is ",
  "suffix" => "!"

// $output contains: My phone is 01 02 03 04 05!


Input Mask Output
Date is 20190526 9999-99-99 2019-05-26
Month is 20190526 0*.00 2019.05
04845798798 000.000.000-99 048.457.987-98
048457987 000.000.000-99 048.457.987-
0F6.g-lm AAAA 0F6g
a036s.D2F SSSS asDF


If you think any implementation are just not the best, feel free to submit ideas and pull requests. All your comments and suggestion are welcome.



Copyright (c) 2019 clemdesign.

For use under the terms of the MIT license.