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REST full SimServer


restsims is a small pyramid restfull wrapper around simserver_ and gensim_.

It provides a basic HTML interface to test and play around with the service.

WARNING!: restsims does not yet support authentication so you do NOT want to USE it on a PUBLIC network, but behind a firewall only.

I use it in production since early 2012 and did not experience any problems with it.


You may want to install the server in a clean and repeatable way using virtual environment and buildout.


$ mkdir simserver
$ virtualenv --python=bin/python2.7 simserver/
$ mkdir buildout-cache
$ mkdir buildout-cache/eggs
$ mkdir buildout-cache/downloads
$ mkdir src # for  LAPACK, BLAS and restsims
$ mkdir var

restsims comes with an example buildout.cfg file in the tarball, or you find it on github.

copy buildout.cfg into the simserver directory


$ wget
$ bin/python

you can try to easy_install numpy_ and scipy_


$ bin/easy_install numpy
$ bin/easy_install scipy

but this never worked for me so i installed it from source as documented in the buildout assumes that LAPACK_ and BLAS_ are installed in the lib directory.

It is also recommended you install a fast BLAS_ library prior to installing NumPy. This is optional, but using an optimized BLAS_ such as ATLAS_ or OpenBLAS_ is known to improve performance by as much as an order of magnitude.

Alternatively you can install numpy_ and scipy_ with the package manage of your distribution and use the recipe described in Note that the libraries that come with your distibution are normally NOT optimized for speed.

Test if numpy and scipy are installed correctly:


$ bin/python
>>> import numpy
>>> import scipy

run buildout


$ bin/buildout

The buildout will take a while and install all the dependencies for the server. Start the server with:


$ bin/pserve src/restsims/development.ini

Now you can access the server at http://localhost:6543/


The configuration is done in two ini files one for developement and another one for production

Things you might want to change:

at the beginning of the file:


port = 6543

is the port restsims listens on.

At the end of the file



is the location of the simserver index

You can provide your own stopword file as stopwords.txt. If you do not provide a stopwordfile it falls back to the built in english stopwords.


Restsims is meant to be used as a service to be called from other applications. It returns its results as html or JSON. The HTML view is meant for experiments and to make yourself aquainted with the calls and responses.

Please refer to for a more in depth documentation for simserver itself.


To find out if your restsims server and simservice is running:


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'status'}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': service.status}

service.status gives you some information about you index.


To be able to extract information from the API you first need to build a corpus. The service indexes documents in a semantic representation so we must teach the service how to convert between plain text and semantics first.

For the semantic model to make sense, it has to be trained on a corpus that is:

  • Reasonably similar to (or the same as/ a subset of) the documents you want to index later. Training on a corpus of recipes in French when all indexed documents will be about programming in English will not help.

  • Reasonably large (at least thousands of documents), so that the statistical analysis has a chance to kick in.

Note that each time your train the corpus the index is destroyed and you must reindex all documents.

Pass 'text' as the plain texts and the uids of the documents as a list of dictionaries {'id': UID, 'text': Text}


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'train',
        'text': [{'id': UID, 'text': Text}]}

If you prefer to tokenize the texts yourself, you can pass 'text' as a list of dictionaries {'id': UID, 'tokens': ['List', 'of', 'tokens']}


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'train',
        'text': [{'id': UID, 'tokens': ['List', 'of', 'tokens']}]

You may also upload a compressed file (tar.gz or tar.bz2) in which each contained file is the plain text representation of your document to train your index and the filename equals the UID of the document.


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'train',
        'data': file}

All three request variants will return:


Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': i}

where i is the number of documents on which the index was trained or an http error if not successfull.


When you pass documents that have the same uid as some already indexed document, the indexed document is overwritten by the new input. You don’t have to index all documents first to start querying, indexing can be incremental.

The request formats are the same as for training the corpus:


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'index',
            'text': [{'id': UID, 'text': Text}]}

Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'index',
            'text': [{'id': UID, 'tokens': ['List', 'of', 'tokens']}]

Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'index',
            'data': file}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': i}

where i is the number of documents indexed.


There are two types of queries:

By a plain text that will be compared to the indexed documents


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'query',
        'text': 'some free text you want to find similar items to'}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response':



{'status': 'OK', 'response': [('e82c58f43cec4db96f0cda25e5a1b2ba', 0.6676519513130188, None),
('13ea18dd855582ad23c9dabf5041aa1a', 0.6201680898666382, None),
('89734760899b4324fe9dff147d842b2b', 0.5058814883232117, None)]}

By a list of documents [UID,]


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'query',
        'text': [UID,]}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': {
'uid1': [similar docs], 'uid2': [similar docs], ...}



{'status': 'OK', 'response':
        [('7d6342a60159eca02b54340c3d352ecd', 1.0, None),
        ('89734760899b4324fe9dff147d842b2b', 0.86540287733078, None),
        ('cab7138af0bde9f8d05dfadc731ffcf1', 0.8373217582702637, None)],
        [('e82c58f43cec4db96f0cda25e5a1b2ba', 1.0, None),
        ('13ea18dd855582ad23c9dabf5041aa1a', 0.871651291847229, None),
        ('15143b79edfa02c60f7248cb4b29537c', 0.865399181842804, None))]}}


To optimize the index for size and speed after indexing:


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'optimize'}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': 'index optimized'}


Delete documents with a list of document uids to be removed from the index:


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'delete',
        'text': [UID]}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': 'documents deleted'}


This return the UIDs of all you indexed documents:


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'documents'}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': service.keys}


To find out if a certain document is in the index:


Request = {'format': 'json', 'action': 'query',
        'text': UID}

Response = {'status': 'OK', 'response': True/False}


  • Authentication, signup
  • Multiple indexes per restsims server
  • TTW creation of indexes
  • multilingual support with

.. note to self: maybe use for signing


  • Code repository:
  • Questions and comments to [email protected]
  • Report bugs at

.. _numpy: .. _scipy: .. _gensim: .. _simserver: .. _LAPACK: .. _BLAS: .. _OPENBLAS: .. _ATLAS: