Clay Smalley
Clay Smalley
[OpenMapTiles ticket for `highway=bus_guideway`](
I think for version 1 we shouldn't worry about styling guided and unguided busways different. They're relatively rare, and I can't think of a region where both types are present....
Guided busways tracked separately in #413.
I agree, though right now it seems like shields prevent the rendering of street names. We need to show the name alongside the shield if the shield isn't enough to...
After some discussion on Slack, I think busways may need lowlighting instead of highlighting. Dull gray works pretty well, and helps indicate that these serve a special purpose but are...
Pedestrian streets come to mind: #185
Here's a busway in the Philadelphia suburbs that runs close to a county line: [(localhost link)](http://localhost:1776/#14.31/39.99527/-75.30187)
I'm considering a more lavender hue to distinguish from taxiways better. I'm still indecisive on whether busways should be highlighted with a particular color on the default map, or lowlighted...
I think so. Colorful busways may be appropriate for a future enhancement that enables switchable layers (#25), where we may want to highlight busways on a public transit map. But...
> It appears that this change also unifies the link and regular versions of each road class, is that also a deliberate consolidation? Yes - were they separate layers intentionally?