Alex Gryzlov

Results 70 comments of Alex Gryzlov

A few years ago, I've helped making a port of Coq's formalized binary arithmetic here: This includes both unbounded and bounded inductively defined binaries. The original Coq library is...

Yes, you can make a `List (BizMod2 8)` for a byte array. If you want a primitive byte type, there's, but you won't be able to prove anything about...

@zaoqi probably here:

I guess one way to do it would be to unify records and namespaces to some extent?

Yeah I think going for a simpler solution and assuming a fixed order might be good enough for a start. This is what happens when matching on auto implicits already...

Also this seems to overlap with the recent research of @gallais et al on [Frex](, though I'm not sure what stage (:wink:) that work is at.

I think OTT/HoTT/CTT aren't so much about effects, but rather about exploring the nature of equality, allowing to do proofs on functions (`funext` is provable in those), codata, real numbers...

Here are a couple of recent CBPV-style systems for dependent effects: * Vakar, "In Search of Effectful Dependent Types" * Ahman, "Fibred Computational Effects" * partial Agda...