gdtv icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gdtv copied to clipboard

荔枝网 wasm 加密逆向,请求头逆向,X-Itouchtv-Ca-Signature 生成

荔枝网 wasm 加密逆向

接口的 X-Itouchtv-Ca-Signature 在 wasm 内加密生成,把 wasm 当作一个包直接调用生成加密。

2022-10-15 更新

g.wbg.__wbg_newwithargs_a0432b7780c1dfa1 = function(A, g, I, B) {
    return Y(S(K(A, g), K(I, B)))

会返回一个加密函数,暂时解不开,复制网站上生成的 header,直接调用,不会失效

源代码搜索 out of js stack 查看生成 header 代码。

signature 可重复使用

复制网站上的接口的 header,Signature 可以重复使用

const url = "";
var header = new Map([
  ["Content-Type", "application/json"],
  ["X-ITOUCHTV-Ca-Timestamp", 1728981010913],
  ["X-ITOUCHTV-Ca-Signature", "RDoVy8LrsOfJis8h4T5VF1FucYkF117GZSRl+KNy/XY="],
  ["X-ITOUCHTV-Ca-Key", "89541943007407288657755311868534"],
  ["X-ITOUCHTV-DEVICE-ID", "WEB_413b8160-696b-11ee-8e8e-87c7746ce010"],
let headers = {};
for (const [key, value] of header) {
  headers[key] = value;
  .get(url, { headers: headers }, (res) => {
    let list = [];
    res.on("data", (chunk) => {
    res.on("end", () => {
      console.log("Response ended: ");
      const data = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(list).toString());
  .on("error", (err) => {
    console.log("Error: ", err.message);

下载 wasm

右击 .wasm 请求,open in new tab


$ nodejs gdtv.js


初始化一个 document.location

let location = {
  host: "",
  hostname: "",
  href: "",
  origin: "",
  toString: function () {
    return this.href

全局搜索 get_header_j,把相关代码复制下来,修改对应函数

imports.wbg.__wbg_instanceof_Window_9029196b662bc42a = function(A) {
- var g;
- try {
-     g = getObject(A)instanceof Window
- } catch (A) {
-     g = !1
- }
- return g
+ return true
imports.wbg.__wbg_document_f7ace2b956f30a4f = function(A) {
- var g = getObject(A).document;
+ var g = {location};
  return isLikeNone(g) ? 0 : addHeapObject(g)
imports.wbg.__wbg_location_56243dba507f472d = function(A) {
- return addHeapObject(getObject(A).location)
+ return addHeapObject(location)

nodejs 中使用

const fs = require("fs");
const wasmBuffer = fs.readFileSync("download.wasm");

WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmBuffer, importObject).then((obj) => {
  __wbg_finalize_init(obj.instance, obj.module);
  const url = "";
  var header = get_header_j(
  let headers = {}
  for (const [key, value] of header) {
    headers[key] = value
  https.get(url, {headers: headers}, res => {
    let list = [];
    res.on('data', chunk => {
    res.on('end', () => {
      console.log('Response ended: ');
      const data = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(list).toString());
  }).on('error', err => {
    console.log('Error: ', err.message);