Michele Claus
Michele Claus
@zachcoleman, basically it seems that the JSON encoder inside this project drops `datetime: null` when exposing again the uploaded JSON and therefore the exposed JSON via the API is no...
@soxofaan the issue is that there can be multiple S3 OLCI flags active for the same pixel and therefore it's necessary a bitwise operator as explained here https://github.com/Open-EO/openeo-processes-python/issues/179
> If I understand correctly, that is a completely different issue. The openeo-processes project does not define bitwise and/or processes, only logical and/or. So that discussion should first be taken...
Hi @soxofaan, I have a couple of questions: - The `from_stac` call should be converted into an openEO process graph with `load_stac` + `save_result` and executed? Or should we just...
@benbovy maybe you could be interest in the _client side processing_ activity we are working on. The main idea consist in allowing the user to process data with openEO processes...
Indeed, this PR was just an idea that we can discuss about and that could evolve in different ways. I do consider this metadata filtering as something to tackle as...
> fyi: In the Jupyter interface there's already a search control for the Vue components :-) I know, but sometimes it would be good to avoid user interactions and show...
This issue has been reported already several times: https://github.com/clausmichele/ViDeNN/issues/1 https://github.com/clausmichele/ViDeNN/issues/7 https://github.com/clausmichele/ViDeNN/issues/8 https://github.com/clausmichele/ViDeNN/issues/20 A possible solution is to use a different checkpoint as explained here: https://github.com/clausmichele/ViDeNN/issues/1#issuecomment-442762424 Another solution would be to...
Can you expand on this? I copied and paste your code into the definition of `get_unet_2`but it still gives me an error: > ValueError: Negative dimension size caused by subtracting...
@TomAugspurger I am also trying to combine Kerchunk and STAC, since we have yearly netCDFs of weather related variables that we don't want to convert to COGs anymore. My current...