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B compiler for the PDP-8

8bc -- B compiler for the PDP-8

8bc is a B compiler for the PDP-8. It compiles standard B for the PDP-8/E or later computers with or without an EAE. Programs are compiled to BIN formatted tapes with an entry point at 0200.

To run programs compiled with 8bc, use the PDP-8 emulator supplied by the SIMH project. For example, to compile and run hello.b from the examples, first compile hello.b into hello.bin:

$ 8bc hello.b

Then run SIMH: load hello.bin and jump to address 0200 to start the program.

$ pdp8

PDP-8 simulator V4.0-0 Current        git commit id: 6554e0a4
sim> l hello.bin
sim> g 200
HALT instruction, PC: 00321 (JMP 200)
sim> exit

To build 8bc, first edit Makefile according to your system's needs. Typically, nothing needs to be adjusted. You need the following prerequisites:

  • an ANSI C compiler
  • lex (e.g. flex) with libl.a
  • yacc (e.g. bison) with liby.a
  • groff

Then type

make all

to compile 8bc and

make install

to install the distribution. You may need to manually update the manual database afterwards.

If you are a maintainer, read Makefile carefully for instructions. Please mark SIMH as an optional dependency/recommended package if your distribution ships it. If you perform nontrivial modifications to the codebase, please have the courtesy to change the version string in 8bc such that it is clearly visible that the code has been modified and by whom.

Please report bugs on github or by mail to [email protected]. Please do not send patches without prior communication. While I'm willing to fix any bug you find, I prefer to write the patches myself.

(c) 2019 Robert Clausecker [email protected]