Claudéric Demers

Results 81 comments of Claudéric Demers

Hey @offsky, The sanitization logic for the selected prop is here: I think it should probably to default to selected={null} if the input is invalid

Hi @gurpreet013, could you provide a CodeSandbox replicating the issue you are facing?

I believe this will be resolved by #788

Feel free to open a pull request and we can discuss there 👍

Hey @TrySound, thanks for the detailed report 👍 I'm planning to update the development and build tooling of this project in the coming months, will tackle this issue at the...

The item isn't stuck, what you're seeing is just the auto-scrolling functionality kicking in because your cursor is close to the edge of the screen. I've renamed your issue to...

Hey @Kuzry, you're not doing anything wrong, the types should allow for `children` to be optional in `SortableContext`. Having said that, I'm not sure how useful `` will be if...

Could you elaborate a bit more or provide a visual example just to make sure I can better visualize what you're trying to build?

Do you need a nested tree or are you only looking to be able to drag something from outside into a list? And also, does the list need to be...