Meng-Xue, Lin
Meng-Xue, Lin
There are so many researches about `Hand Pose Prediction`. trying to get prediction result more and more accurate - Maybe you can look at this: or this: or...
I think it's far away from the original issue title, so this is my last reply. > You can ask about the modle in this project Is py trained? if...
@brian208579 您好! 抱歉近期都在忙著做畢業論文相關的研究與實驗...所以 backbone 部分就沒有再去推進度了 關於下面給作者的問題,有個應該可以幫忙回答,有誤再麻煩作者更正了 > pre-train 後在 fine-tune 時是全部的 weights 都參與訓練還是只有某一部分呢? 我自己在做實驗的時候,曾經將 Backbone 輸出的 feature 經過 detach( 將 gradient 截斷 ) 後再往後傳,最後的訓練成果蠻糟糕的,而將 detach 取消掉後就恢復正常了 由此推測 Backbone 所需的 Loss...
> @clashroyaleisgood sorry to bother you, could you tell me how many epoches did you use when you train on the resnet50? I also tried on resnet50, but the outcome...