Meng-Xue, Lin

Results 14 comments of Meng-Xue, Lin

Hi, I met the same question. Maybe you can try to use the evaluation code provided by freihand: > freihand/, And the evaluation groud-truth is also released: >,...

感謝!! 我嘗試後再將結果分享上來 非常感謝

Hi Xingyu, 我重建了 ResNet-50-Stack,但成果不盡理想,我使用 FreiHAND 官方 github 提供的 [evaluation code]( 與 [evaluation split annotations]( 跑出來的分數是: | |xyz_al_mean3d( PJ )|mesh_al_mean3d( PV )|單位| |----|----------------------|------------------------|-----| |my-resnet50|0.644521|0.670844|cm| |my-mrc_ds|0.685215|0.709544|cm| |paper - pretrained backbone|5.7|5.8|mm| |paper -...

> 你好,my_resnet.py能提供一下吗?或者是resnetstack.pth 啊! 其實 Bottleneck 跟 `` 裡面的 Bottleneck 都一樣是從官方 Pytorch Resnet 搬過來的 code 忘了當初為什麼要從 `` 那邊 import。 所以可以直接改從 `` import 就好了。

非常感謝!!! 我再嘗試看看

In fact, I don't really write a myself. I use codes (model) edited from, with mobrecon model. here is the snippet to dump result:

I'm not sure, but maybe it's in the offcial eval zip file: file: evaluation_mano.json ___ updated: oh! I just find it: maybe you can try this.

NONONO! FreiHAND have already released their evaluation annotations on official dataset website: the zip file contains _mano, _verts, _xyz, ... for evaluation set

Sorry for not getting the point. Do you mean, how to predict xyz from a single RGB image? Or how to combine your prediction algorithm with the code snippet you...