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Render CompDecl in VHDL `decl` function (copy #2819)
Instead of rendering them in inst_
. I noticed that while creating a primitive that when I used a combination of compInBlock
and instDecl Empty
that the entire block declaration and its declarative part were elided; leaving only the portmap.
So before this change, the following primitive declaration:
= do
plusFloatInstName <- Id.makeBasic "plusFloat_inst"
compInps =
[ ("clk", N.Bit)
, ("arg1", DSL.ety a)
, ("arg2", DSL.ety b) ]
compOuts =
[ ("dout", DSL.ety result) ]
plusFloatName = "plusFloat"
DSL.declaration "plusFloat_inst_block" $ do
DSL.compInBlock "plusFloat" compInps compOuts
inps =
[ ("clk", clk )
, ("arg1", a)
, ("arg2", b)
outs =
[ ("dout", result)
DSL.instDecl Empty (Id.unsafeMake plusFloatName) plusFloatInstName
[] inps outs
would get translated to:
plusFloat_inst : plusFloat
port map
( clk => clk
, arg1 => y
, arg2 => z
, dout => \c$app_arg\ );
instead of the expected:
plusFloat_inst_block : block
component plusFloat port
( clk : in std_logic
; arg1 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
; arg2 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
; dout : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) );
end component;
plusFloat_inst : plusFloat
port map
( clk => clk
, arg1 => y
, arg2 => z
, dout => \c$app_arg\ );
end block;
Still TODO:
- [x] Check copyright notices are up to date in edited files
This is an automatic copy of pull request #2819 done by [Mergify](