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Expect for Shells

Results 8 sexpect issues
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Inspired by [this]( so named pipes could be used. Passing it to `-file` returns: ``` [ERROR] not a regular file: /dev/fd/63 ``` Not sure if it can be combined or...


* There are interesting rules for session leaders. * Run the command with `sh -c`? `bash -c`? Allow users to specify the shell? * Some shells (like `Bash`?) is too...

won't fix

May need to update `CMakeLists.txt` and add `make install` support.

help wanted

#### interact PATTERN::REPLACE * `-nocase` would cause *PATTERN* to be case-insensitive * `-cstring` impacts both *PATTERN* and *REPLACE* * *REPLACE* can include `(0)`, `(1)`, ..., `(9)` for RE match groups...

new feature

#### Related subcommands * expect -re PATTERN * ~expect -glob PATTERN~ * interact -re PATTERN * interact -subst PATTERN::REPLACE #### New option name? * ~-REG_NEWLINE~ * -anchor-newline | -anchor ####...

new feature

Some programs (like `bluetoothctl`) report messages with color codes that can't be disabled: that makes `sexpect` regex quite challenging to craft (`expect` seems immune to that). Would it make sense...