deep-coref copied to clipboard
error Attempted to fetch annotator "parse" but the annotator pool does not store any such type!
Hello, I am studying the paper "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mention-Ranking Coference Models" and follow the steps to train my own model. But in the third step(Run the NeuralCorefDataExporter class in the development version of Stanford's CoreNLP), I occur this error. I cannot find a solution in Google. Thank you!
This is my coref.algorithm = neural coref.conll = true = /home/hengru/deep-coref/conll-2012 coref.conllOutputPath = /home/hengru/deep-coref/data/data_out coref.scorer = /home/hengru/deep-coref/data/scorer
This is the error:
hengru@dc6:~/CoreNLP/target$ java -Xmx2g -cp javax.json.jar:stanford-corenlp-3.7.0.jar:stanford-corenlp-models-3.7.0.jar:* edu.stanford.nlp.coref.neural.NeuralCorefDataExporter /home/hengru/deep-coref/data/data_out/
Jul 25, 2017 6:52:56 PM edu.stanford.nlp.coref.docreader.CoNLLDocumentReader
Hello, did you find a workaround? I encountered a similar error.