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Nagios Check towards Prometheus
Check Prometheus from Nagios
- What
- Why
- How to build
- How to run
- Usage
- Debug
- Label
- Method
- Basic auth
A Nagios plugin for querying Prometheus.
$ docker run -it claranet/nagitheus:latest -h
This tool has been inspired by the upstream provided shell script to be found here. But unfortunately this shell script is deficient in several ways. Nagitheus instead:
- It actually works :)
- No need to specify if vector or scalar
- It doesn't stop at the first result but iterates over whole vector
- Ability to print desired label
- Go binary: no need of specific software on the nagios monitoring
How to build
$ go build nagitheus.go
or from mac to linux
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build nagitheus.go
$ ./nagitheus -H "" -q "Prometheus Query" -w 2 -c 2 -u username -p PASSWORD -m le -l label
How to run
$ go run nagitheus.go -H '' -q "(kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes/kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes*100)>2" -w 2 -c 5 -m ge -u UN -p PW -l persistentvolumeclaim
WARNING prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0 is 2.2607424766047886 CRITICAL prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0 is 5.625835543270624
exit status 2
-H string
Host to query (Required, i.e.
-q string
Prometheus query (Required)
-w string
Warning treshold (Required)
-c string
Critical treshold (Required)
-d string
Print whole prometheus result to output (Optional) (default "no")
-l string
Label to print (Optional) (default "none")
-f string
Format message with go template (Optional)
-m string
Comparison method (Optional) (default "ge")
-u string
Username (Optional)
-p string
Password (Optional)
-t string
Token (Optional)
Return CRITICAL if query results are missing (Optional) (default "no")
Max. count of characters to print
Prints all returned values on multiline result
Prints performance data for results in the format `query_result=<result>;<warning>;<critical>`
--value-mapping string
Mapping result metrics for output (Optional, json i.e. '{"0":"down","1":"up"}')
--value-unit string
Unit of the value for output (Optional, i.e. '%')
-v Prints nagitheus version
This software will perform a request on the prometheus server. Required flags are the Host, Query, Warning and Critical.
-d yes
will print to outputn the whole response from Prometheus (best used from command line and not from Nagios):
Prometheus response: {
"status": "success",
"data": {
"resultType": "vector",
"result": [
"metric": {
"endpoint": "http-metrics",
"exported_namespace": "aux",
"instance": "",
"job": "kubelet",
"namespace": "kube-system",
"persistentvolumeclaim": "prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0",
"service": "kubelet"
"value": [
"metric": {
"endpoint": "http-metrics",
"exported_namespace": "aux",
"instance": "",
"job": "kubelet",
"namespace": "kube-system",
"persistentvolumeclaim": "prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0",
"service": "kubelet"
"value": [
If the result contains multiple values, the output returns a summary and multiline results.
-l labelname
takes a label that you want to print toghether with Status and value:
CRITICAL 1 persistentvolumeclaim critical, 1 persistentvolumeclaim warning, 0 persistentvolumeclaim ok :
CRITICAL persistentvolumeclaim prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0 is 5.625835543270624
WARNING persistentvolumeclaim prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0 is 2.2607424766047886
Without the label the result would be:
CRITICAL 1 item critical, 1 item warning, 0 item ok :
WARNING value is 2.2607424766047886
CRITICAL value is 5.625835543270624
-f formatstring
take a go template string to print status the way you want. Some variables are available for display.
Map of metrics returned from prometheus that you can access with{{.Metric.<metric_name>}}
-f '{{.Metric.node}}: {{.Metric.condition}} is {{.Value}}' --value-mapping '{"1":"KO","0":"OK"}'
Will output
WARNING 0 condition critical, 1 condition warning, 2 condition ok :
WARNING kube-node-1: FrequentContainerdRestart is KO
OK kube-node-1: CorruptDockerOverlay2 is OK
OK kube-node-2: CorruptDockerOverlay2 is OK
OK kube-node-2: FrequentContainerdRestart is OK
-m ge OR gt OR le OR lt
tells the check how to compare the result with the critical and warning flags
Basic auth
-u username -p password
when both are set the request will be performed with basic auth
-t token
the request will be performed adding the token to headers
For example in Openshift you need to do
TOKEN=$(oc whoami -t)
Value Mapping
-value-mapping <json key-value pairs>
allow mapping of the result values to defined strings for output, e.g. 0=>DOWN, 1=> UP:
./nagitheus -H '' -q 'up{job="prometheus"}' -c 1 -w 1 -m lt -l job -value-mapping '{"0":"DOWN","1":"UP"}'
OK job prometheus is UP
Value Unit
-value-unit <unit>
allows adding a unit to the output result values, e.g. '%', 'GB':
WARNING persistentvolumeclaim prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0 is 2.2607424766047886 %
CRITICAL persistentvolumeclaim prometheus-kube-prometheus-db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-0 is 5.625835543270624 %
returns the version of nagitheus