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🚀 Starter Next.js App With Firebase Auth | Next.js 13 + React 18 + Firebase v9 + Jotail

🚀 Starter Next.js App With Firebase Auth

This repo is a starter to initialize a Next.js application with a fully functional authentication system using Firebase v9, using TypeScript, React & Jotai.

Feel free to clone or fork this repo to kickstart your next project in minutes 🔥

If you're interested in learning the concepts used in this repo, I'm giving the final touch to a complete guide to set up and manage auth in a Next.js + React application with Firebase and Jotai. I will add the link here when it's published.

☝️ This project would be better suited for production with tests. I will add those incrementally. Stay tuned.


  • Sign-up/sign-in with email/password
  • Sign-in with Google
  • Sign-in with magic link
  • Reset password
  • Sign out
  • Add/remove user in Firestore on account creation/deletion with Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Auth modal state management with Jotai

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo and install the dependencies:
npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install

  1. Create a new project in Firebase and set it up for Firebase Auth, Functions and Firestore.

  1. Set the environment variables: copy the .env.example into a .env.local file and set each variable with your own values.

  1. Install the Firebase CLI
npm install -g firebase-tools
# or
yarn global add firebase-tools
# or
pnpm add -g firebase-tools

  1. Deploy the Firebase Cloud Functions
firebase deploy --only functions

  1. Run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Preview of the home page and modal in sign-in view
