
Results 26 comments of ckvv

@NDanilov2015 Yes it is,for example you can set a default color like `#FFFFFF`

@alexanderniebuhr ~~I still have a similar problem using `v0.23.5` in vscode. After modifying the `alias config`, the style must be restarted vite to take effect。~~ Sorry, The plug-in is correctly...

> Object.defineProperty > Vue 2.x 通过 Object.defineProperty 来劫持是不支持数组的,你可以用 es6 proxy 来实现对数组的观察,实际上,Vue 3.0 也是通过 proxy 来实现。具体你可以查 proxy 双向绑定。 ``` arr.forEach(function(val,index) { Object.defineProperty(data, index, { enumerable: true, // 可枚举 configurable: false, //...

@renfurong 可以用在TS中使用 你可以在`env.d.ts`文件中添加模块的类型声明 ```ts declare module '@ckpack/vue-color' { import type { Component } from '@vue/runtime-core' const Alpha: Component const Checkboard: Component const Chrome: Component const Compact: Component const EditableInput: Component...

Me too ``` ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error 下午3:31:32 error in ./src/assets/style/element-variables.scss SassError: Undefined function. ╷ 490 │ $--group-option-flex: 0 0 math.div(1, 5) * 100% !default; │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

@Hallelujah1 需要升级`sass`版本

问题应该出现在`mouseInRange`的判断上面, `onMouseLeave` 并不总会触发

@pengYYYYY ```js function emitVisible(visible: boolean, context: PopupVisibleChangeContext) { if (props.disabled || visible === innerVisible.value) return; if (!visible && visibleState.value > 1) return; if (visible && mouseInRange.value) return; setInnerVisible(visible, context);...


@yujinpan 遇到了存在同样问题 偶尔因为z-index的原因导致遮盖 ![截屏2022-06-13 15 32 15]( 目前可以通过覆盖`z-index`解决