Christian Kreibich

Results 77 comments of Christian Kreibich

@awelzel this is the work you're currently doing in zeek/zeek#3320, right?

From the current docstring ("[returns] false if the file creation fails") and personal intuition, I'd leave that all to the return handling. I've marked it a bug. Thanks for flagging.

Yep, thanks! These make sense and we've long wanted to build out sets of functions toward a standard library, but we never find the time. This technically doesn't need to...

Yeah I think this is just not at all part of the model atm, and clearly should be. There's also the fact that ... > I would have expected that...

For now we should probably cover this in the zkg documentation. At the moment we don't really say how/whether zkg treats multiple parallel Zeek installations. (Shout if I missed something!)...

Just a half-year ping to confirm that we will still buy you buckets of :beer: if you implement this. Thanks. :smile: