Corey Kosloski
Corey Kosloski
Can you post a link to a plunker or jsfiddle showing your issue?
The edit-disabled will only work for editable elements that are a link. It doesn't work for editable forms. You could just add some logic to disable your edit button when...
The only way to show errors is by using onbeforesave and have that function return an error
Unfortunately, that is how xeditable works. Maybe you could have an on change function that checks the size and displays an error.
Can you post a jsfiddle or plunge showing your issue?
That link is already applied in xeditable [here]( You should be able to just add `onbeforesave` to the definition of your editable element.
Can you post the code you have for your add button that doesn't work and your edit button that does.
If you have angular debugging turned off, getting scope on the element won't work.
Here is a [stackoverflow]( that might help
Can you provide a link to a plunker or jsfiddle?