enfocus copied to clipboard
Hiccup input control - checked and disabled not working
I used hiccup to generate a checkbox. I want to check it and/or disable it under certain conditions. The HTML should emit with the word checked or disabled but is putting out checked="true" or disable="false". The browser sees the work checked and disabled and always checks and disables the control regardless of its value.
This is the function.
(defn availability-row
"generate an availability row"
[row active?]
(let [sent_flag (if (= (:date_sent row) nil) "N", "Y")
player_response (case (:response row)
0 "N"
1 "Y"
2 "?"
avail (case (:available row)
1 "Y"
long-status (case (:status row)
"A" "Active"
"S" "Sub"
"I" "Inactive")
row-class (if (= avail "Y") "player-avail" (if (= (:status row) "I") "player-inactive" ""))]
;we want the inactive players at the bottom
;so we call this twice with the same result set
(if (or
(and (not= (:status row) "I") (= active? true))
(and (= (:status row) "I") (= active? false)))
(let [box-checked (if (= avail "Y") true false)
box-disabled (if (= (:status row) "I") true false)]
[:tr {:class row-class :id (:id row)}
[:td {:nowrap true} (:last_name row) ", " (:first_name row)]
[:td {:align "center"}
[:input {:type "checkbox" :disabled box-disabled :checked box-checked :name (str "pl-av-" (:id row)) :onclick "swapClass(this)"}]]
[:td {:align "center"} player_response]
[:td {:align "center"} sent_flag]
[:td (if (= (:response_date row) nil) "" (:response_date row))]
[:td {:align "center"} long-status]
;(str "<tr class='" row-class "' id='" (:id row) "' onclick=''>"
; "<td nowrap>" (:last_name row) ", " (:first_name row) "</td>"
; "<td align='center'>
; <input type='checkbox' name='pl-av-" (:id row) "'"
; (if (= avail "Y") " checked")
; (if (= (:status row) "I") " disabled")
; " onclick='swapClass(this);'</input>"
; "</td>"
; "<td align='center'>" player_response "</td>"
; "<td align='center'>" sent_flag "</td>"
; "<td>" (if (= (:response_date row) nil) "" (:response_date row)) "</td>"
; "<td align='center'>" long-status "</td>"
; "</tr>"))))
Here is an image of the page when it is working.
I looked at how Hiccup does this. It looks like for a value with a true it renders the attribute name and for a value of false it renders nothing so {:disabled true} comes out as disabled as it should. Here is the code:
(defn- render-attribute [[name value]]
(true? value)
(if (xml-mode?)
(xml-attribute name name)
(str " " (as-str name)))
(not value)
(xml-attribute name value)))
I think Enfocus just flattens the map so you get something like disabled="true" instead of just disabled.