MaterialPagerRecyclerGridView copied to clipboard
It is a RecyclerView using GridLayoutManager with header layout as ViewPager.
It is a RecyclerView using GridLayoutManager with header layout as ViewPager. This can be easily customized according to the usage.
Here I have used images for adapters and view pagers from arrays.xml:. You can use your own images or can even load images from the url using picasso, glide, UIL or whatever in to the adapter and view pager.
Images for GridItems
Pass your images into the adapter classes as like below
// where R.arrays.xml are images from the drawable folder.
final MainAdapter adapter = new MainAdapter(this, R.array.icons);
The MainAdapter is nothing but a adapter class for RecyclerView wher you pass a images for griditems.
Images for ViewPagers
// I am passing the same list of images that I have used for GridItems. You can use your own instead of **mImageResID**.
ViewPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(mContext, mImageResID);
The ViewPagerAdapter is a class for ViewPager and it is found inside MainAdapter.
Note: You can even pass ArrayList<Object> and customize your layout for the combination of both images and texts or whatever according to your requirement. I have used layout with ImageViews in this repo only for the sample purpose.
Points to be remember
There are certain special aspects that must be followed before customizing your layout.
List count:
The list count should always be +1 (i.e)
public int getItemCount() {
return (mContext.getResources().getIntArray(mImageResID).length) + HEADER_PAGER_LAYOUT;
where HEADER_PAGER_LAYOUT is a static variable with value 1
List position:
In order to get the exact position of the particular item in a list.
you have to -1 from the current positon(i.e)
public void onClick(View view) {
mOnGridItemSelectedListener.onGridItemClick(view,getAdapterPosition() - HEADER_PAGER_LAYOUT);
where HEADER_PAGER_LAYOUT is a static variable with value 1