main-bower-files copied to clipboard
Can this be used with gulp-add-src?
We have some dependencies in Bower, some in NPM. For some reason the following isn't working:
gulp.task('vendor', function () {
// define our filters
var jsFilter = gulpFilter(['**/*.js'], {
restore: true
var cssFilter = gulpFilter(['**/*.css'], {
restore: true
return gulp.src(mainBowerFiles({
paths: {
bowerDirectory: src.bower + 'bower_components',
bowerJson: src.bower + 'bower.json'
.pipe(gulpif(util.env.production, uglify()))
.pipe(gulpif(util.env.production, cssnano()))
It's finding all of the main Bower files but none of my manual includes. Any idea why that would be?
Thanks for your hard work on this library!
All this plugin do is looking for files. This function works well as you said. Your issue relates to gulp-add-src
or gulp itself, not this module.
Are you sure your gulpfile.js and node_modules are placed in the same directory? Also you better split js and css task, caz they have nothing common except main-bower-files, but you may call it twice and use css and js filter option in it.