I launch your script following your instructions. This is the result: mattia@ubuntu-X45:/usr/lib/hisense$ sudo python3 ./ --port 8888 --ip --config cameretta.json --mqtt_host --mqtt_user mqtt:mqtt --mqtt_topic cameretta --log_level DEBUG
> OK, it's guess work without logs, but I think I might have got it. > Try downloading the up-to-date Ok, now the AC receive the command. All status...
I solved the service startup problem, @wifi75 change the original file config like this. You can edit with: sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/stanzetta.service [Unit] Description=Hisense A/C server **After=docker.service** [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -u
> @deiger I update the new, in HA there isn't the power botton why? You have to create a mqtt switch for each AC as follow: switch: - platform:...
> @ck007max it seems that HA doesn't honor the precision setting, and provides unrounded temperature post-conversion from Celsius (21ºC=69.8ºF). > I changed the code to do the rounding instead of...
my temperature slider works, but with the latest version of I have problems, so I use the previous version with update interval time sets to 60 secs.
My services don't start: cameretta.service - Hisense A/C server cameretta Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cameretta.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2020-06-06 16:38:55 CEST; 1h 12min ago Process:...
I've understood the problem. I have to install retry with sudo command.
@deiger is it possible to disable t set in dry mode in your script? Because in my AC model in dry mode is not possibile set temperature. In dry mode...