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Carla server memory leak
Hi, I am using this gym environment as a baseline for my RL project, but it seems that there are some issues with the server. The server memory usage keeps increasing then it stops returning this error:
Exception was "SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to write memory at address 0x0000000000000003"
I think this is due to the memory usage increase, but I'm not totally sure. When I reset the episode I first stop every sensor, then destroy all of them along with the vehicles in the scene and setting their variables to None. Any hint on this memory usage increase? Thank you in advance for your help
May be your GPU have a installed problem? you can check it, I think this problem is not in gym_carla repo.
I think the problem lies in the Carla server build, I now build in Shipping mode using the dev branch and the memory leak seems milder even if it still persists