Sounds interesting... but what would be sudoku variant conventions? So no saving of 2 or 5s initially... And would the starting convention to try to clue two cards eg... r2...
Not quite what you want but you can generate a latex representation of the expression using `latex((a+5)/(a-3))` and copy the output between '' and paste the output between that into...
On second thoughts, a line magic would be rather annoying and I'm not even sure existing metakernel code allows for the magic code to become normal code. If one could...
Oops (that's from the log) Sorry its evening here.
My computer crashed last night with the correct working info. So I did a cut and paste from the README.md and from specific sqlite JDBC stuff. I should have created...
That was before I posted this issue
I'll run it again in a nice new file [dbptk-app.log.txt](https://github.com/keeps/dbptk-developer/files/8762021/dbptk-app.log.txt) Thanks for getting back so quickly... Moral of the story. I should have created this earlier. Sorry.
So maybe need to create an arbitrary name for the sqlite jdbc driver?
I agree. So the class name of the sqlite driver is org.sqlite.JDBC and I assume that is in this.driverClassName?? So could an if statement be used in getDatabaseName()??? protected String...
Alternatively, you can download kotlin in colab... which is obviously slower (Please note I am a newbie to Kotlin and was going through a Android Kotlin tutorial with exercises when...