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The Issue about :CondaChangeEnv
Thanks for you greate work. But I have a problem when I write the configuration file of nvim. My computer is Mac OS M1 My config file is : call plug#begin()
Plug 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight'
" 安装和启用插件 " vim-conda:用于集成 Anaconda Plug 'cjrh/vim-conda' let g:python3_host_prog = expand("/Users/gaohaitao/opt/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python")
let g:conda_python3_executable = expand("/Users/gaohaitao/opt/anaconda3/envs/traffic/bin/python")
let g:conda_executable = expand('/Users/gaohaitao/opt/anaconda3/bin/conda')
" 设置CondaChangeEnv命令为自动加载 augroup conda_autogroup autocmd! autocmd VimEnter * CondaChangeEnv augroup END
call plug#end()
But appear the ERROR:
处理 VimEnter 自动命令 "*"..function <SNR>8_CondaChangeEnv[2]..provider#python3#Call 时发生错误:
第 18 行:
Error invoking 'python_execute' on channel 3 (python3-script-host):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
I have tried a lot of methods but they didn't work. Could you help me?
I am not sure what is that problem, but I would start by removing this part
let g:python3_host_prog = expand("/Users/gaohaitao/opt/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python")
let g:conda_python3_executable = expand("/Users/gaohaitao/opt/anaconda3/envs/traffic/bin/python")
let g:conda_executable = expand('/Users/gaohaitao/opt/anaconda3/bin/conda')
" 设置CondaChangeEnv命令为自动加载
augroup conda_autogroup
autocmd VimEnter * CondaChangeEnv
augroup END
from the section delimited by the call plug#begin()
and call plug#end()
Well, I would completely remove these definitions and I would instead include the following in my .vimrc
&pythonthreehome = fnamemodify(trim(system("which python")), ":h:h")
&pythonthreedll = trim(system("which python"))
I would then run :echo has('python3')
that should return 1
and then :python3 print('Hello World!')
that should return Hello World!
Thanks for your help, but I still get confused. Because I have a lot of virtual envs in Anaconda, in order to make command "CondaChangeEnv" work, what types of pathroot should I use? base or env I created?
What is the output :CondaChangeEnv
after you tried the solution I proposed?
Actually I am newplayer of shell and vim, I write the config file in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, Did the solution you proposed mean this way?
call plug#begin()
Plug 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight'
Plug 'cjrh/vim-conda' &pythonthreehome = fnamemodify(trim(system("which python")), ":h:h") &pythonthreedll = trim(system("which python"))
call plug#end()
No worries, we have been all beginners :)
I dare to give you a small suggestion given your beginner state: earning vim takes LOT of time (at some point you will ask yourself if that was worth) and many of the information you need you can find in the :help user-manual
. I heavily suggest you to read that BEFORE you try to guess how things work with trial and error approach because vim is everything but intuitive. You'll see how things will unfold much more easily. ;-)
Back to the problem, what I meant is this:
&pythonthreehome = fnamemodify(trim(system("which python")), ":h:h")
&pythonthreedll = trim(system("which python"))
call plug#begin()
Plug 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight'
Plug 'cjrh/vim-conda'
call plug#end()
Next, run the command I wrote above and let us know the outcome.
when I rewrite the config file in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, like this: `&pythonthreehome = fnamemodify(trim(system("which python")), ":h:h") &pythonthreedll = trim(system("which python"))
call plug#begin() Plug 'octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight' Plug 'cjrh/vim-conda' call plug#end()`
when I recommnad <sudo nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim>, there's an error:
Processing/Users/gaohaitao/config/nvim/init. If the error occurs when vim: Line 1: E33: Does not have the previous replacement regular expression Line 2: E33: Does not have the previous replacement regular expression Press ENTER or another command to continue
Then, I check this command E492: Not editor command: CondaChangeEnv
it seems that the config file didn't work. I still have a question:"Whether the functions of the config files vimrc and init.vim are the same"
- Why you use sudo?
- my bad, I use vim9 (not neovim) and the syntax for setting options is different
I am not sure but you need let
. Try with the following:
let &pythonthreehome = fnamemodify(trim(system("which python")), ":h:h")
let &pythonthreedll = trim(system("which python"))
- I don't know the mechanism of nvim, but I suggest you to write the lines I gave you to .vimrc.
Check also the other commands I gave you.
For troubleshooting you could also check :messages
just after startup.
I'll try your solution. It is embrassed for me that i need to take some time. When I finish them, I'll give you feedback. Thank for your help very much!!!
Don't be embarassed. It takes time for everyone. It is actually when you rush that things won't work and frustrate you. ;-) Good luck!
Hi, I uninstall the neovim and use vim. Surprisingly, I find that my computer has two types of vim -- one is installed by homebrew, the other is installed initially by Mac. And the init vim dosn't support python3. Then I aliase the vim to homebrew version and support the python3 finally.
I write the config file in ~/.vimrc like this:
it seems that the config file didn't work
the good news is when I input py3 print("hello world")
, this command can work
It is normal, macosx is shipped with vim by default, but that is not super good since it misses lots of features. Also, even if you install Vim through homebrew, does not supports colorschemes very well. In that case you may think to install another terminal app like kitty or iterm2.
Otherwise, consider Macvim. ;-)
Don't forget to carefully read :h macvim
for setting your terminal if you go that route.
Or, if you want to revert back to neovim to use stuff like telescope
, treesitter
, etc, check with neovim folks how to set :h options
. In this case the options that you want to set are pythonthrehome
and pythonthreedll
Thanks for your help, I really excited that I succeed just now. I summarize two points that maybe helpful to other beginners.
- Check out your vim version and test if python3 is supported
- Remember to install pyvim.
pip install pyvim
in your base root of anaconda3 Then your vim-conda works.Finally, thank ubaldot again. You are really a nice person!
No worries :)
Just a final note: I have no idea what pyvim is, but it is not a good idea to install stuff in the base
ok, if I have the better solution, I'll leave another message thus may help? thus may help?
Thanks for the mention but that is an undergoing work. It has a major bug that perhaps it is solved by setting the sys.path but I have to figure out how in vimscript. Or perhaps it will never been solved 🤣. Well, if you have any clue feel free to add a PR 😄
Ok, I found some time and I completed the plugin.
Being very new, it may contain bugs. I have tested only on OSX, but I am confident that it should work on other OS:s as well.
Thanks to @cjrh that paved the way! :)
oh, great work, I'll willing to test it in my win laptop.
Hi @ubaldot vim-conda-activate looks great! If you would like to add a PR here to mention it in my README, that would perfectly fine by me. I haven't made meaningful changes in vim-conda for many years so it's good that you have continued the work 👍🏼
~I'll add you as a collaborator on vim-conda.~ nvm you already are :)
Ok, I'll fix that.