C. L. Jones

Results 16 comments of C. L. Jones

Yes, this is definitely due to not entering a username as it's unable to find any role via the SampleAttributeFinderModule.java. Try with the following inputs: > Enter User name :...

I would also like to add a +1 for this feature--I can't use WireGuard for my use case and I need my non-tech wife to be able to connect on...

FYI it appears that the extensions still work (at least for me), though this error is an annoyance.

@otaviodecampos +1, thank you!

``` import React from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import App from './modules/App'; import Repos from './modules/Repos'; import About from './modules/About'; import { Router, Route, hashHistory } from...

@michaldudak any update on this issue? I'm guessing we are just going to have to use the workaround for now?