hiccup-find icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hiccup-find copied to clipboard

Utilities to help you test hiccup markup generating functions


Very rudimentary querying of hiccup documents.


With tools.deps:

hiccup-find/hiccup-find {:mvn/version "2022.10.03"}

With Leiningen:

[hiccup-find "2022.10.03"]


Find nodes matching a query:

(ns my.stuff-test
  (:require [hiccup-find.core :as hf]))

(hf/hiccup-find [:p.image]
                  [:p.img "No"]
                  [:p.image "Yes 1"]
                  [:p.images "No"]
                   [:p.image "Yes 2"]]]])

;;=> (list [:p.image "Yes 1"]
;;         [:p.image "Yes 2"])

Queries support tag names, classes, ids and parent/child relationships.

Tag name


Class name

;; Match elements with this class

;; Match elements with tag name h2 and class heading

;; Match elements with tagname p and the two classes
;; "important", and "pitch", in any order.


;; Match elements with this id

;; Match elements with tag name h2 and id main-heading

;; Match element with tagname, class and id


;; Find all h2s in an element with id "main"
[:#main h2]


To avoid having tests become overly coupled to details in the markup (such as OOCSS classes, which basically couple markup with visual appearance), sometimes asserting on the text content is good enough.

(hf/hiccup-text [:html
                  [:h1 "Welcome, earthling"]
                  [:p "Hope you " [:strong "enjoy"] " your stay"]]])
;; => "Welcome, earthling\nHope you enjoy your stay\n")

hiccup-text appends a newline after each block element.

For a textual representation that reveals even fewer details about the underlying structure, try hiccup-string. It works just like hiccup-text, except it returns a string with newlines replaced by space characters, and all consecutive spaces condensed to one.


Test hiccup-find in Clojure with


To run the ClojureScript tests in node:

bin/kaocha unit-cljs



Support matching against classes in a vector.

2021.10.12 1.0.1

Moved Clojure and ClojureScript dependencies to the dev profile.


Copyright © 2014-2022 Christian Johansen, Magnar Sveen, and Ian Truslove

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.