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gobblet gobblers game in elixir, phoenix and elm

gobblet gobblers

gobblet gobblers game in elixir, phoenix and elm

Play online: playground (v2.1-nightly lastest)

Rules: gobblet-gobblers

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd assets && npm install
  • Install Elm dependencies with cd assets/elm && elm_install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

to-do -> v1.0

  • [x] use phoenix v1.3
  • [x] replace js by elm
  • [x] add gobblet logic
  • [x] add gobblet view
  • [x] test and publish

to-do for ux -> v2.0

  • [x] better ui design with color
  • [x] add unique id support using symbol
  • [x] show info when you pick up a piece
  • [x] add "Concede" button to give up

to-do for special rules -> v2.0

  • [x] after a player moves a piece, if both players have 3 pieces in a line, the game ties

to-do for better ux

  • [x] stats bar should always be centered
  • [x] be responsive to different screen sizes
  • [x] no re-login without logout, add back button
  • [x] add to homescreen, add icon and improve pieces
  • [ ] add logo, put effects and user instruction

to-do for system

  • [x] add github link
  • [ ] add automatic pairing
  • [ ] game data logger
  • [ ] websocket moniter

interesting bug

  • [x] when two players are playing, and then one player unpluges the internet, the other player will receive no msg and will result in a zombie channel (websocket) which means if one enters the channel, it is always full or one will be playing with a zombie player. fixed zombie behaviour with a delay by this or to try presense in elm-phoenix new merges

fix me

  • [ ] safari add-to-homescreen back button leading to pages with search bar
  • [ ] remove embedded alerts


  • this repo is highly encouraged by this repo.
  • I fixed two bugs and updated for elixir v1.4 using Registry: repo.