Chirag Jayswal
Chirag Jayswal
The information provided here is not enough. Provide QAF version and execution environment details. You can find this details in report under [environment-information]( You can also provide details about test...
@parulbangar16 QAF version and execution environment details are still missing. You can find this details in report under [environment-information]( Regardless of that you should contact to internal team who is...
You should contact to internal team who is maintaining ctsjv-qaf-automation library for the issue. Report issue to internal team.
It is recommended to post questions with details in [users group]( or in [stack-overflow]( with qaf tag.
It may be because you have configure job to do fresh checkout or to clean up post build.
Refer documentation [managing resources]( and [configuration]( In above case, it looks you are providing wrong path. From screen shot path is `resources/environment/env1` not `resources/env1`.
This looks issues with custom implementation. please connect to your internal project support team who maintains implementation.
Thanks for reporting. We will take a look on impact and possible solution in upcoming release. Meanwhile you can continue using previous client library version targeting on latest selenium server...
Make sure that you are using latest version of QAF. Latest qaf (including [database utils]( version doesn't uses log4j. One of the way to check which version of qaf used...
Thanks for requesting. The reason behind not updating latest TestNG was minimum java version support. However now most of the other libraries, selenium for instance, moving to 11 as minimum...