Chirag Jayswal
Chirag Jayswal
Did you understand the issue? Please share the test case. I am afraid that solution will have impact on performance.
You can check by commenting [step initialization]( to have lazy initialization in DD scenario
Which version of qaf you are using? QAF latest version has webdrivermanager integrated, you can try with the latest version. Regarding browser name from excel, it is not a good...
Please provide everything that is necessary for someone else to reproduce the issue. Refer As a side note, latest release of QAF as of today is `3.1.0-RC1`
It looks something wrong with your configuration. If not, will you please provide testcase/code to reproduce the behavior. I tired below and found working fine with latest qaf: ``` public...
is this duplicate of #315?
It looks You are trying to access [metadata.]( If you have test method object you can cast to `TestNGScenario` that will give you metadata. ``` TestNGScenario scenario = (TestNGScenario) tr.getMethod();...
it's by design. Did you faced any issue because of that or just posted as question?
Yes, in case of appium/mobile if you have local appium server running by design it should connect to appium server on if it is running. So if you don't...
If you want it as string set cell/column format string (Text or @) in excel,