CJ Lazell

Results 55 issues of CJ Lazell

look at issue #2 for more info.

First off thank you so much for this gem! My take from Cuba is it's all about keeping things simple and allowing the dev to use it as they need...

doing `gem which dep` does not work. ![](http://i.imgur.com/7ecUQck.png)

Hi, First off thanks for this awesome gem! Would it be possible to do something like this https://github.com/raggi/capybara-puma/blob/master/lib/capybara-puma.rb with mr-sparkle?

If I have a spec like `it { should_not allow_value("a random value").for(:status_client) }` it ends up like: ![](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71697/jing/2012-02-21_1816.png)

When I hit `,ss` I get the message below. ![](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71697/jing/2012-02-21_2142.png) Running `c-shift-r` works perfectly.... (I'm using your dotfiles) p.s. thank you for your gems and dotfiles!

Prefixing the table with the source name when the db is not the default avoids naming conflicts. i.e. if both databases have a table named `orders`

Hi, Ran into an issue and to fix it you need to make sure there is an htmlString like so http://screencast.com/t/fq34i1biD if you want me to send a pull request...

So when I use the exact example you have for setting this up, I get `/auth/failure?message=connection_failed` all the time, but if I use http://www.omniauth.org/auth/open_id with the same url http://localhost.cj.io/cj it...

**Describe the bug** Setting the gui theme options for selectedLineBgColor has no effect. **To Reproduce** This is the same config I have for lazygit: ```yml reporting: "off" startuppopupversion: 1 gui:...
