potato copied to clipboard
d3 force graph viz tool
A d3 force graph visualization tool/toy. Useful for exploration of relatively small ( <1500 data points), flat datasets.
Live Demo: http://www.chasjhin.com/potato
Inspired by:
- http://vallandingham.me/bubble_charts_in_d3.html
- http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/02/13/us/politics/2013-budget-proposal-graphic.html?_r=0
- http://www.delimited.io/blog/2013/12/19/force-bubble-charts-in-d3
The file uploader uses the HTML5 file API. As a result, uploaded files stay in your browser and do not travel the tubes. In other words, any uploaded data is relatively secure.
- [ ] Limit number of filters/categories for a given column/category
- [ ] Catch massive datasets to prevent browser from crashing
- [ ] Size scale when size filter is set (aka size legend?)
- [ ] Allow users to change the colors.... perhaps by interacting with the color legend?
- [ ] More intelligent placement of split groups to better make use of available screen space
- [ ] Hints/tutorial for csv upload as well as for first time dataset exploration. (ie. billionaire: Try splitting by source and coloring by gender)
- [ ] Hint about zooming?...
- [ ] Allow users to either keep or remove selection?
Potato is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.
All demo datasets are derived from publically available data.
- Basketball: stats.nba.com + http://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/players.html
- Billionaire: bloomberg.com + forbes.com
- Automobile: UCI Machine Learning Repository All datasets and the contents/names/rights are owned by their respective owners.